All about our FUN-raiser and Why we need your help!

untitled (431 of 658)Our 2013 Shakespeare workshop was SO MUCH FUN, and our students learned so much!  Not only were they speaking and performing Shakespeare like pros by the end of the workshop, they were applying what they’d learned into homework and writing assignments and connecting abstract thoughts and themes within the play A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM to current events and their teenage experiences.  It was super exciting to watch the creative and linguistic changes play out for them over the course of our five-week workshop, and it’s something we can’t wait to see happen again this summer in our 3-week Shakespeare Intensive.

Tempest_TheatricsSee, we’re going to be living, eating, and breathing Shakespeare for 3 weeks this summer, as we introduce our wonderful students to the world of Shakespeare and lead them into the mystical play, THE TEMPEST.

In the past, our workshops have run an average of $350 a student, which has limited enrollment for some students. We don’t want to see that happen again this summer, so we’re asking your help to raise the funds needed to offer our workshop at a lower cost – and we’d like to tell you what that $1800 FUNdraising goal would cover:

Rental and Insurance:  $1000

That’s right boys and girls, as all theatricians know, we must first pay for a space in which to play, and this year we are SUPER excited to be partnering with the Prescott Center for the Arts to use their Stage Too for all three weeks of the workshop.  But that means we have to help pay for utilities and set use/costumes/etc. plus our own insurance to make sure we’re all safe and sound.  This is our biggest cost, hands down.

Projector: $350

There are a lot of supplemental videos we’d like to show our students that will help them understand and connect to Shakespeare’s world and language.  Previously we’ve been able to hold classes at the super high-tech NAU-Yavapai (which we LOVE!), but by relocating this year, we are losing all that beautiful learning equipment, so we need to be able to supply our own.

Copies and copies copies… $200

This is a conservative estimate, because between Shakespeare handouts, script copies, programs and posters,  all that copying is going to add up fast!

Costumes and Props: $250

Although we’re fortunate to be working with PCA this year, chances are good that we’ll still need to spend some additional fundage on supplying our own props/costumes and set flourishes.  (Did we mention we’ll be using puppets and projections on this production?)  We don’t think our production budget will exceed $250 though.

untitled (71 of 127)So, if we make our $1800 FUNdraising goal, we’ll have all of our technical needs met, meaning that we can keep tuition costs for our students at just $150.  (Whatever tuition monies are paid will go towards helping Cason and Tiffany take off work in Waco, TX in order to teach this workshop in Prescott this July)

As you can see, we really do need your help to keep costs low for our amazing students, and to provide an awesome opportunity to bring The Tempest—featuring some superbly talented kiddos—to Prescott audiences.  So please consider donating and remember, there are awesome rewards for those of you who do!

–>  Click HERE to donate! <–

And if you’d like to see what our students have to say about our past Shakespeare workshop, just click on the video  below!

With Appreciation,
Tiffany and Cason
The The@trics Team


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Making movies in Waco

What better way to spend spring break than making short films with some stellar Waco Civic Theater students?  We had a great time and we’re super proud of these kiddos!

Check out our 4 short films: written, filmed and edited in just 4 days!


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The Good, The Bad, and The Janitor: The Trailer

Movie Workshop pics-1It’s here!  The 2013 Summer Make a Movie Workshop film, The Good, The Bad, and The Janitor is through post production and DVDs will be going out to our participants next week.  We are so proud of these kids!  What began as a writing and acting for the camera workshop became a full-blown production when our students drafted a 30-page screenplay.

Movie Workshop pics-1-2The first week of the workshop was spent discussing screenplay structure and formatting, and learning basic rules for acting on camera.  The students spent considerable time brainstorming together to come up with movie ideas – at one point there were over 40 topics on the white board!  – finally narrowing it down to the two character types they most wanted to put on film: Spies and a Mysterious Janitor.

With that decided, the students set to developing the What, Why, How, and Who of the script, creating a story outline that they were then able to turn into written pages in a day and a half.  Yes, that’s 30 pages of script written in less than two class days!  I’m telling you, these kids are awesome 🙂

With the first week behind us, students were instructed to bring in costume ideas the following Monday.  Our fabulous hair and makeup wizard, Ginny Platisha (Bella Luna Salon in Prescott Valley) went to work getting our kiddos prepped for camera, and we set to rehearsing actors, setting up shots, and getting all of these talented actors to hit their marks.

After a week of filming more than seventy shots, we had our rough footage.  Cason stayed up all night the Thursday evening before the workshop wrapped, constructing a rough cut of the thirty-minute short.

Movie Workshop pics-1-4Our audience on Friday loved the film, and we were so happy to see the joy on our students’ faces!  It’s taken us a fair bit of time to get the final cut complete (Cason started graduate school this fall – so time has been tight) but we’re incredibly proud of the finished product.  Since we’re entering it in a few film fests, we can’t post the whole film on our site yet.  But we can share the trailer…


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Working With Animals and Children…

The infamous W.C. Fields is credited with saying (of Show Business), “Never work with children or animals.”

Well, this past summer, The@trics did both.

And it was AWESOME.

Our Pet Plays Festival was a weird and wacky weekend of new and unusual plays – and we raised a nice little chunk of change for the Yavapai Humane Society.  We may not have had real animals onstage, but we did have plenty of humans dressed as our furry friends.  Check out some of these pics:


Annabelle Veatch as The Cat Who Sat on the Mat, by Jen Huszcza

    Sean Jeralds as The Dog who Jumped Over a Log, by Jen Huszca

Sean Jeralds as The Dog who Jumped Over a Log, by Jen Huszca

A scene from Annette Lee's Higher Ups

A scene from Annette Lee’s Higher Ups

We are so thankful for all our talented writers, actors, and directors.  And we’re pretty sure our furry friends at YHS think you’re pretty doggone special as well.

Immediately after the Pet Plays, The@trics shifted gears and jumped head-first into our Make a Movie Workshop for Teens.

The workshop began on a Monday, and 10 days later we had a rough cut of the student-written The Good, The Bad, and The Janitor.  We couldn’t be prouder of these kids – they put so much time and talent into this production that you’d never know it’s the first time in front of/behind a camera for many of them.  We’re working on the final cut now (moving to Texas put a big dent in our calendar) – as soon as we’ve got a trailer put together, we’ll share it on the blog.

In the meanwhile, how about a few production pics?

Make a Movie workshop-1

Screenwriting is messy work!

Make a Movie workshop-1-6

Cason couldn’t resist making a cameo as the high-school principal…

Make a Movie workshop-1-2

Awesome makeup is SO important! Special thanks to Virginia Platisha for making everyone look fantastic!


Make a Movie workshop-1-10

Tiffany couldn’t resist a cameo as Russian Spy, Svetlana, either

Make a Movie workshop-1-5
Make a Movie workshop-1-8
Make a Movie workshop-1-7

Make a Movie workshop-1-4
Make a Movie workshop-1-11

We had SO much fun working with these amazing kids!  Keep your eyes peeled for more updates – we’ll be sharing the film soooooon.

In the meantime, The@trics has finally gotten settled in our new home: Waco, TX.  We can’t wait to begin offering our exciting workshops to this awesome community!



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The Pet Play-ers!

Pet plays crop

Well, the Pet Plays are almost upon us and doggone it, we think they are the cat’s pajamas! We’ve been busy as beavers over here and inquiring minds reminded us that we’ve been a little bird-brained, since we haven’t put anything up on the blog about the plays, our playwrights, or our wonderful directors and actors…and we all know what curiosity did to the cat. Now hold your horses – because before I get your goat with all of these terrible pet puns (I mean, I don’t want to sleep with the fishes…) – we wanted to introduce you to all of the monkeyshines whose plays we are producing. As they say, birds of a feather flock together, and with these playwrights on board, we have a very talented bunch! I bet their moms are as proud as peacocks…

Here’s our stable of theatrical awesomeness:

The Racing Turtles – written by Tiffany Antone (Prescott, AZ)
Directed by Tiffany Antone, with Brianna Bond and Tyler Bond

Four vignettes spread over the first act follow racing turtles Bump (Tyler Bond) and Snickers (Brianna Bond) as they inch their way to the finish line in a heart-stopping no-holds-barred thrill ride at 0.02 mph! Who will win bragging rights (and a bowl full of lettuce) and who will just end up with a beak full of dust?

Higher Up – written by Annette Lee (Los Angeles, CA)
Directed by Bruce Lanning, with Allie Kate Elliott, Ben Frye, Sean Jeralds, Bruce Thomson, and Jeff Whitham

In the dog-eat-dog world of the Yard, Toi (Sean Jeralds) runs things with his second in command Charlie (Jeff Whitham) and their enticing personal assistant Fifi (Allie Kate Elliott) under the less than watchful eye of the Man (Ben Frye). But when the Higher Ups send in Buster (Bruce Thomson), the winds of change start blowing and the battle to figure out who is top dog begins!

Ladies Boy – written by Jennie Webb (Los Angeles, CA)
Directed by Rob White, with R. White

A Woman with Love to Spare (R. White) confides in the audience her fretful tale of taking her “big” boy to the vet. In this “slight comedy about healing weighty wounds,” we see how one woman deals with hearing the “O” word.

The Usual Housepets – written by Alex Gabaldon (Prescott, AZ)
Directed by Tiffany Antone, with Carissa Bond, Sean Jeralds, and Marnie Uhl

Newspapers have been destroyed. Potted plants are dead. And when Abby the cat (Marnie Uhl) plans to pin the day’s destruction on Roddie the lovable mutt (Sean Jeralds), Cakky (Carissa Bond), a parrot with a bent wing, hatches a plan to unravel this unusual mystery facing the usual housepets in the Henderson home.

The Race – written by Greg Romero (Philadelphia, PA)
Directed by and starring Cason Murphy

Turk (Cason Murphy) is in the midst of a dream come true – running for first place in the 4th Annual Backyard Pet Race! But when din-din comes calling, Turk faces a choice for the ages: a belly full of glory or a belly full of kibble?

Lazarus – written by Zoë Mason (Prescott, AZ)
Directed by Cason Murphy, with Allie Kate Elliott and Robert Milligan

Callie (Allie Kate Elliott) and Sam (Robert Milligan) are in trouble – the beta fish they shared has gone belly up, and their relationship is following suit. And yet they just can’t seem to flush it. As they try to unravel exactly why their pet passed, Callie and Sam also start to plunge toward some of the deeper questions.

The Cat Sat on the Mat, The Dog Jogged Over a Log, …And the People, and It Has to End in Tears – written by Jen Huszcza (Los Angeles, CA)
Directed by Tiffany Antone, with Sal Castricone, Sean Jeralds, Marnie Uhl, and Annabelle Veatch

In this quartet of “scenelets,” we examine jealousy, joy, love, and loss from four very different perspectives within a “typical” suburban family.

Just Another Mourning – written by Charissa Menefee (Prescott, AZ)
Directed by Rob White, with Marnie Uhl and Elaine Woods

During a routine morning at the community dog park, Essie (Marnie Uhl) comforts Vera (Elaine Woods) upon hearing some sad news about Vera’s faithful companion, Buddy.

Even If He Became a Boy – written by Ian Derk (Prescott, AZ)
Directed by Clint Slay, with Tyler Bond, Annabelle Veatch, and Elaine Woods

When Suzy (Annabelle Veatch) was little, she prayed for a cat under any condition – even if he became a boy. Now that she’s a teenager, and her cat Norman (Tyler Bond) is too, things are complicated…and Suzy’s suspicious mom (Elaine Woods) is determined to find out what’s going on up in Suzy’s room.

Clicking His Claws on the Hardwood Floor – written by John Weagly (Chicago, IL)
Directed by Clint Slay, with Kate Hawkes

Donna (Kate Hawkes) recounts how she has been hearing a dog walking around her apartment – and while she doesn’t own a dog and can’t seem to find what’s making the noise, Donna explains why she isn’t afraid.

The Inside Pet – written by Emily Pearlman (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Directed by Bruce Lanning, with Allie Kate Elliot

A Woman (Allie Kate Elliott) pushes the boundaries of pet ownership when she confesses she has a tapeworm. A haiku-writing tapeworm named Warren. If that doesn’t entice you, we don’t know what will…

So, what are you waiting for? A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush – get your tickets to the Pet Plays Festival HERE, because starting tomorrow night, we are going to laugh ourselves til the cows come home! Proceeds are support all of the fine work that the Yavapai Humane Society is doing on behalf of four-legged, feathered, and fishy friends here in Yavapai County! So, we’ll see you at First Congregational Church (216 East Gurley in Prescott) this weekend…that is, unless you’re a chicken! 

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Happy Birthday to Thee!

Yesterday, our Shakespeare Workshop celebrated a very special day – the 449th birthday of William Shakespeare…as well as his 397th death day. Well, at least we think it was his birthday. Although it could be today, as Shakespeare was baptised on April 26, 1564 – and back then, baptisms usually took place 2-3 days after the child was born. So…we grabbed some cookies and celebrated!

And, in their usual flair, our students gave their wishes to Shakespeare in spectacular style. This is what we found on the white board after rehearsal last night –

Shakespeare Bday


That’s right – birthday wishes, mustaches, and James Bond references (hey, he was English) all rolled into one!

That said, we hope that you will be in a festive mood and help us celebrate next week as we perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Friday May 3 at 7:00pm and Saturday May 4 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm at First Congregational Church in Prescott! Tickets will be $10 at the door – keep your eyes peeled here and on the The@trics Facebook page for more info!

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The Shakespearean “Dream” Team

MSND boardDespite not having real fairies, the things happening in our workshop the past two weeks feel like magic!

After a round of “jump in and go for it” auditions here at NAU-Yavapai, we have our version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream cast and our students are working hard to make these characters come alive. Our cast has jumped into the Viewpoints exercises, just-nearly aced a quiz on all things Shakespeare and the Globe, and are tackling the language with not a whiff of the usual “Ugh…Shakespeare” apathy usually emanating from kids their age.

Even more inspiring, they are looking hard at Shakespeare’s words and then applying them critically to the world around them…which is like a teacher’s ultimate dream. Here are a few choice comments I’ve heard over the past couple of days:

“I see a lot of allusion to The Avengers in this speech here…”

“Did you know that the capital of Montana is Helena? I know, right? Shakespearean influence even in the Northwestern U.S.A.!”

And in discussing tactics and obstacles for each character, we asked our Oberon to imagine his conflict with Titania over the changeling boy as if his mom wouldn’t give him the thing that he absolutely wanted most in life, to which he dryly replied, “Well I guess I won’t get that Ferrari anytime soon.

MSND tableau

We will be posting periodic updates as we start assembling the show (we go up in 22 days!!!) and post some pictures of the kiddos in action! We hope that you follow along on this journey with us and find your way to First Congregational Church on May 3 or May 4 to experience our A Midsummer Night’s Dream! Keep an eye out for tickets soon!

…but in the meantime, our Bottom mask just arrived…

bottom mask

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[Item Not Found]

Well, thrifTheatre is officially done! Our last two shows were a phenomenal way to go out – and our wonderful cast, crew, and group of CCJ volunteers stuck around, despite the long day and the uncertain road conditions, to help us clean up Perkins Hall and vanish like theatre-makers into the night. As the fatigue of the week of “guerilla theatre” subsides, we here at The@trics are spending a relaxing morning, reflecting on the wonder of what happened the past few nights.

Speaking of reflecting, here is the promised list of the items that didn’t make it into thrifTheatre this time. We certainly wish we could have used all of these zany items and wonderful plays they inspired this time around, but that’s part of producing a playwright fest. And, hey, you never know what thrifTheatre Round Two may hold…

“What are little girls made of?” Picture Album



Functional Polaroid Camera









Captain America and Foam Elephant Boys’ Hat



Functional Hanson computer bath scale







“My Growing Years” picture measuring chart




Little girl’s green velvet and lace dress








Backgammon set




Otter painting (on canvas)










We know how to pick weird items around here, don’t we?

Well, we did know how to pick a winner of a partner for thrifTheatre. We at The@trics consider ourselves so wonderfully lucky to have been able to team up with such a powerhouse of an organization – the CCJ – for thrifTheatre. Their staff and group of volunteers made this whole process far easier and more sane, and then the services they have been providing in our community make them all the more amazing. We have no doubt that they will be able to find a incredibly meaningful way to use the funds that thrifTheatre garnered.

We were remarking last night how truly lucky we’ve been to have the support, the sponsors (thanks one more time to Arizona’s Hometown Radio Group and the Puffin Foundation!), the partnerships, the willing group of directors and actors and crew folk, and the audiences that we did. For this being The@trics’ first producing gig, we are over the moon! And the little wheels in our heads are already turning for more opportunities in 2013. We certainly hope you all keep checking in here at The@trics Theatre as we move forward – trust us, you won’t want to miss what is up next! Send an email to to get put on our mailing list, should you be so interested.

And in the meantime, The@trics hopes you and yours have a very happy holiday season with whomever you might be spending it. Thank you all for being willing to spend a little bit of it with us!

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Snow Business Like Show Business

Well, here at the The@trics Headquarters, this is what we woke up to this morning –

The The@trics Weather Division is forecasting some occasional snow throughout the rest of the morning and a few flurries this afternoon and evening. However, the roads are clear and there’s no ice to be found. So fear not, because thrifTheatre will perform whatever the weather, because we only have two performances left! Can you believe it’s already closing night? It feels like we just opened.

Yes, it has been a quick run – but an utterly AMAZING run. Last night’s show was even better than Thursday’s awesome open – and the usual “tired because I worked all week” Friday night theatre crowd was nowhere to be found, because we had a lively “we came to have a blast” Friday night theatre crowd show up for one knockout of a show!

We here at The@trics would like to take this moment to really thank our spectacular local sponsor Arizona’s Hometown Radio Group (and their Quad-City stations KPPV, KDDL, and KQNA) and  and our spectacular national sponsor The Puffin Foundation. These two have been instrumental in bringing thrifTheatre to life, so please read more about them, check them out, donate to them, or support them in your own way if you feel so inclined, but most importantly thank them for seeing the value in sponsoring thrifTheatre!

So, the snow may already be upon us, but it’s not too late to get tickets for our 2:00pm matinee and 7:30pm evening performance! Head over to Brown Paper Tickets to claim any last-minute discounts or buy them at the door today at First Congregational Church over at 216 East Gurley Street! Snow way you want to miss this!

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The Theatre Baby

Break out the candy cigars, because after nearly 14 months of gestation, our theatre baby has been born! At just a hair under 2 hours long, thrifTheatre came into the world last night right at around 7:41pm (Yeah, yeah, I had some problems turning off the projector).

There to celebrate with all of us proud parents at The@trics and CCJ was a wonderful, supportive audience of around 70 people – and what a celebration it was! Each of the 10 shows was a success, with lots of laughs, lots of conversation after, and lots of folks commenting on how thrifTheatre was unlike anything they’d ever experienced. A former theatre critic (a friend of one of the playwrights) loved the evening and remarked how she hadn’t heard of The@trics before – but that she certainly wants to see more!

While I have the chance, we’d love to take a second to thank the folks that really came out like gangbusters yesterday to make things happen:

  • Don Langford and Karen Murphy – two people who are near and dear to the The@trics Team’s heart – for, being willing to wear 3 different hats over the course of the festival, but for also spending an entire afternoon in the theatre making sure everything was finished off and organized for everyone backstage.
  • Mike Dummeyer and Vanessa Silverstein over at CCJ for helping make sure all of the front of house volunteers and concessions were ready to sparkle the moment our audience walked into First Congregational.
  • Dave Veatch, Andrea Huff, Annabelle Veatch and their family for donating their popcorn machine (and running it for us) so that the moment you walk into Perkins Hall, that wonderful aroma makes popcorn a must!
  • Brown Paper Tickets for making the pitfalls of doing tickets at the door non-existent. If you are looking for an easy way to do ticketing for your event at a venue that doesn’t have the ticketing infrastructure – check them out! The amount of support and gadgets they offer to you is mind-boggling.
  • Our great sponsors, Arizona’s Hometown Radio Group and the Puffin Foundation, without whom thrifTheatre wouldn’t have gotten off the ground.
  • Our wonderful volunteers – everyone from the actors and directors that have put untold hours into this project to the volunteers who baked items for concessions or those who came in to sell them, and in doing so, provide critical support at the time when we need it the most.
  • And of course, Pastor Jane Cheek and the congregation of First Congregational Church. Their enthusiasm and support (both emotionally and venue-wise) has heralded in what we think will be the beginning of a beautiful partnership.

Unlike sleep-deprived parents dealing with an actual baby, around the The@trics Headquarters, this morning was one of sleeping in and enjoying that feeling of anxiety being replaced by theatrical pride. The weather looks like it is holding out (while the snow is flurrying and the wind is whistling, the snow looks like it won’t be piling up – but now that I’ve said that, I will go make an offering to the Theatre Gods…) and we’ve already been fielding calls this morning for folks excited about tickets for tonight!

The shows will be happening as scheduled – if there are any weather-related changes, we will let you know here. But in the meantime, the show must go on, so come join us tonight at 7:30 or tomorrow at 2:00 and 7:30, and join in the fun! Tickets are available, as always, online at Brown Paper Tickets, in person at the CCJ Thrift Shop, or at the door at First Congregational Church tonight!

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